Join the One to One B.Better community by becoming a partner and purpose your solutions to the best decision makers of the sector.

Created in 2024, One to One B.Better is a business event that brings together for a day of networking :

  • decision-makers (guests) committed to sustainable and responsible business with investment projects dedicated to the transition of retail companies towards a positive economy
  • and solution providers (partners) selected according to a rigorous CSR framework for their excellence and relevance to business issues.


On 3 June 2025, join us at the Pavillon Gabriel, Paris 8ème, for an inspiring experience!

  • Meet your peers
  • Meet your future partners in highly qualified one-to-one meetings
  • Anticipate trends through inspiring conferences, practical workshops and impactful experience sharing
What is One to One B.Better?
Why partner with One to One B.Better?

In one day, One to One B.Better offers you the opportunity to :

  • Benefit from highly qualified one-to-one meetings
  • Generate leads and meet new prospects at formal and informal networking events
  • A fully equipped meeting corner
  • Present your offer in greater detail when you speak at the event


How to register:

  • Review of your application by our editorial committee
  • Approval of your participation
  • Access to your back office to prepare your event
  • S-5 weeks before the event: opening of the appointment module


Your application to take part will be examined by the One to One B.Better steering committee.Partners will be selected for the quality and suitability of their offer.

Discover the business issues represented at One to One B.Better

Meet the sector's decision-makers and put forward your solutions!